Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMK TUC 2 Paket 19 TA 2013/2014 -

Listening Comprehension
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Questions: 1 to 4.
Directions: For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken two times, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one sentence – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
                                                                        A. One girl has long black curly hair
                                                                        B. A boy is talking to a girl in the room
                                                                        C. Both of the girls are smiling happily.
                                                                        D The girls are lying on the floor. 
» Choice (C) – “Both of the girls are smiling happily” – best describes what can be seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
» Now let’s begin with picture number 1.
1.      Look at picture number 1

2.      Look at picture number 2 
3.  Look at picture number 3 

4.  Look at picture number 4                                                                              

Question 5 to 7.


In this part of the test, you will hear several question spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear              : “Oh, what a beautiful bag. How much is it?”
You will also hear       : (A) Yes, my bag is beautiful
                                      (B) It’ s only fifty thousands.
                                      (C) I can carry it on my back.
» Choice (B) – “It’s only fifty thousands” – Is the appropriate response to the question (Oh, what a beautiful bag. How much is it?). Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.
» Now let’s begin with question number 5.
 5. Mark your answer 0n your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer 0n your answer sheet.  
7. Mark your answer 0n your answer sheet.  
Questions 8 to 11
Directions: In This part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations two times, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear: Woman            : Is 8 p.m next Tuesday convenience with you ?
                        Man                 : Well, actually I’d rather come in the afternoon
                        Woman            : You mean after 1 p.m ?
                        Man                 : Let’s make it 2 o’clock
You will read  :  What time will the man come to see the woman next Tuesday ?
  1. 8 in the morning
  2. Before 1 p.m
  3. At 1 p.m
  4. 2 in the afternoon
Ø  Choice (D) “2 in the afternoon is the best answer the questions.
[What time will the man come to see the woman next Tuesday?] Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.        
8. What seems to the main problem?
A.    the computer
B.     the paper
C.     the printer
D.    the letters

9. What should the man do when the client arrives?
A.    send him up
B.     meet him
C.     come downstairs
D.    call the woman

10. What do people forget to do?
A.    use the dictionary
B.     borrow the dictionary
C.     lend the dictionary
D.    return the dictionary

 11. How will they probably go to work?
A.    by car
B.     by subway
C.     by train
D.    by bus    

Questions 12 to 15
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Let’s begin with the following short talk.
Question number 12 – 14 refer to the following advertisement.
12. What is this Ad announcing?
A.    Job vacancy
B.     Food service
C.     Vacation
D.    A new restaurant

13.What experience should applicants have?
A.    experience with public
B.     sales experience
C.     experience in food service
D.    clothing industry

Question number 14 – 15 refer to the following text
14.   What is the instruction for?
A.    Amplifier
B.     Computer
C.     CD player
D.    Television

15.   What should you do to view the picture?
A.    Select the video in put
B.     Turn off  the TV
C.     Connect the amplifier
D.    Select the CD player position

This is the end of the listening section.

PART I. Error Recognition’
Questions: 16 to 20.
Directions:      In questions 16 to 20, each number has four underlined words or phrases that are marked by (A), (B), (C), or (D). You have to identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten, and mark your answer.
16.   Reni       : Mr. Johnson looks young than his real age is.          
Sari         : You are right. He just had his hair cut at the most popular  hair stylist in town.
                         B                           C                                    D
17.   Sinta       : Look at Anton! He looks very cute in his new shirt.
Rini        : Which one? Is he the boy who‘s standing near the gate
            B                                       C
         Sinta       : Yes. He is the one which is wearing a blue shirt.
18.   Fafa        : What does your father do?
Lily         : He’s an electronic. He works in the city and his job is to maintain the street
                  Lights.      B                   C                                                  D

19.   Catherin : Why didn’t Tommy invite me to his wedding party?
Sonya     : I think he didn’t have your number. If only he had known your number, he
                              B                                                            C
would have inviting  
20.   Tono       : Have you heard about the happy news about Dono? He got a scholarship.
Jono       : Yes, I think he was quite amusing when the dean announced that he is one of                                                             B                                                                    D
students who earn the scholarship to study in Japan?                                                 

PART II. Reading Comprehension
Questions: 21 to 30.
Directions:      Questions 21 to 30 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, letters, forms, articles and advertisements. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark (A), (B), (C), or (D). 
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following Memorandum


To  : All personnel
From: Simon Gonzales
Personal Officer
Date : May 25 2012
Sub   : Company Travel
Effective June 1 all personnel travelling on company business must use the most economical means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in business class. No flight regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the Concorde

21.   If a flight is over five hours, what class can be booked?
A.    Economy
B.     Business
C.     First
D.    Concorde
22.   When will this rule go into effect?
A.    In about two weeks
B.     At the end of the summer
C.     At the first of next month
D.    In five month
23.   Who is affected by this memo?
A.    Only the Board of the directors
B.     Only frequent travelers
C.     Only the personnel department
D.    All personnel
Questions 24 to 26 refer to the following Company Profile
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Honda), incorporated on September 24, 1948, develops, produces and manufactures a variety of motor products, ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars. The Company’s business segments are the motorcycle business, automobile business, financial services business, and power product and other businesses. Honda conducts its operations in Japan and worldwide, including North America, Europe and Asia. On March 22, 2011, the Company completed the selling of all its stake in Hero Honda Motors Limited to Bahadur Chand Investments Pvt.Ltd. and Hero Investments Pvt. Ltd. In August 2012, the Company acquired Usha International Ltd.
24.   What does the text tell about?
A.    The profile of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
B.     Only the company’s business
C.     Honda Motor Co, Ltd. is the best motorcycle business
D.    The company runs motorcycle and automobile business only.
25.   These followings are the company’s  business segments, except….
A.    Motorcycle
B.     Financial service
C.     Automobile
D.    Hard machine
26.   The word “conduct” has the closest meaning with………
A.    organize
B.     indirect
C.     hold
D.    present

Questions 27 to 29 refer to the following Work Experience
Wilkinsons, Bradford Retail Assistant  March 2009 – present
     Worked as part of a team to receive early morning deliveries, maintain warehouse standards and provide customer service.    I am constantly under pressure to finish my tasks before the deadline every shift.
     Developed excellent communication and customer liaison skills.  I’ve shown initiative and teamwork skills by supporting other team members with their tasks after finishing my own.
TK Maxx, Leeds Customer Services Assistant  Dec 2008
     Encouraged colleagues to reach work targets collectively creating team spirit.
     Tidied up the shop floor and maintained stock in pristine condition.
     Dealt with telephone calls and queries from other stores such as searching for coded items in order to price them.
27.   How long did the writer work for TK Maxx, Leeds?
A.    1 year
B.     2 years
C.     3 years
D.      4 years
28.   What is his position now?
A.    Customer Services Assistant
B.     Personnel department
C.     Retail Assistant
D.    A part of the service team
29.   The word “queries” has the closest meaning with…………..
A.    Demands
B.     Invitations
C.     Requests
D.    Questions
Question 30 to 32 refer to the following table.
How We Stay Fit
Age (….years old)
Work out at GYM
Walk  or Run
51 +
30.   What information does that table tell us?
A.    How often people of different ages exercise.
B.     Which age group exercises most.
C.     Where people prefer to exercise.
D.    Which kinds of exercise people of different ages prefer
31.   For which age group is working out at a gym the most popular form of exercise?
A.    Age 21-30
B.     Age 31-40
C.     Age 41-50
D.    Age 51+
32.   What can we conclude from the table?
A.    People aged 21-30 exercise more than people in other age group.
B.     Most people aged 31-40 belong to a gym or health club.
C.     Many people aged 41-50 don’t enjoy bicycle riding.
D.    People aged 51+ don’t exercise as much as they used to.
PART IV. Incomplete Dialogue
Directions:      Questions 33 to 42 are incomplete dialogues. Four clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D) are given beneath each question. You have to choose one clause/sentence that best completes the dialogue. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
33.   Manager : The annual meeting will be held on Monday and there will be a guest speaker
                   from Korea , Lee Chon Wee.
          Staff         : Do you have any idea how long the meeting will last? ?
          Manager : I don’t know. ....   
A.    The meeting lasted for a hour
B.     The guest speaker is very famous
C.     It is likely that it won’t be too long
D.    The guest will arrive soon
34.   William : I need pesticide for exterminating pests in my farm.
        George : You could purchase the product in the Farm Shop .
        William : I don’t know where the shop is. ….?
A.    Can you direct me there
B.     May I go to a nice place
C.     Could I show you the farm shop is
D.    Would you accompany me
35.   William : Mathematic is confusing. I don’t understand how to deal with it.
   Henry   : Most students find it difficult too . Let’s find a way to solve it!
  William  : …. It will certainly help us prepare for the exam.
A.    Why don’t we make a group?
B.     You must listen to the teacher.
C.     That’s true that Math is hard.
D.    You have to be patient with it.
36.   Jonathan : Ms. Anita is a hard working woman. She … for Elementary students in
   the morning and takes a part time job in the evening.
         Crowther : What does she do?
         Jonathan  : She is a librarian.
A.    borrow books and magazines
B.     gives a private lesson
C.     meets her students
D.    lends me books
37.     George     : Welcome to Reitha Tour and Travel. We have a special offer a journey to
                      Middle East. We will give 15% discount for our loyal customer.
            Jane          : It is interesting. ….   By the way, how much is a ticket?
A.    We want to go there too
B.     We’d like to reserve a seat, please
C.     Can we go there by plane?
D.    When should you make a booking?
38.   Krisna : I have a trouble with acne. I have tried acne lotion but it doesn’t do
               any good.
            Delon  : I have read an article about getting rid of acne. ….
             Krisna : It’s a good idea. Let’s try natural medicine  
A.    Why don’t you go to a dentist?
B.     Eating  more meat eggs
C.     Apples are good for skin
D.      You had better go to hospital
39.   Reza       : Beno is very disappointed. He missed the job interview..
Riri         : What happened?
         Reza       : He came late. If …, he could have got the job
A.    He had not missed the show
B.     He hadn’t got up late
C.     He comes earlier
D.    He got up late
40.   Student 1 : The national examination will be conducted in April. I haven’t prepared for       the test, well . I feel anxious about this exam
         Student 2 : So do I. I am still confused with all the materials.
                           Do you have any suggestion what we should do?
         Student 1 : .... Would you join me ?
A.    I must study harder then
B.     Let’s us take a private lesson
C.     I met my English teacher last night
D.    We had better not learn anything
41.   Daniel : What kind of Indonesian food do you like best?
         Rachel : I like batagor.
         Daniel : Can you make it by yourself?
         Rachel :... , but now I can’t because I have much work to do every day.
A.    I made it yesterday
B.     I used to do it
C.     I will make it for you
D.    I am making it now
42.   Lathan   : Do you know Indah? Our friend from our vocational school?
      Doni      : Yes, She … her study in UNS since a year ago. She becomes a bank manager
A.    finished
B.     will finish
C.     had finished
D.    has finished

PART V. Cloze Test
Questions: 43 to 50.
Directions:      Questions 43 to 50 are passage completion. Read the passages. A word or phrase has been replaced by a blank in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below the blank. Mark answer choice - (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best completes the sentence.
Questions 43- 45 refer to the following application letter.
   30 Jalan  Raya
                                                                                       Batang 51211
                                                                                       Jan 24, 2013
Tegal Residence Hotel
Jl, Rambutan
Dear sir/Madame,
Being interested in  the post of waiter supervisor you advertised yesterday in Suara Merdeka, I  would like to apply (43)... the vacancy.
I am 24 years old and (44)... from SMK Negeri 1 Batang majoring in restaurant service. Currently, I am working at Sea Food Restaurant.
Attaching copies of my certificates, CV, and my recent photograph, I am (45)...  for an interview at your convenience. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Faithfully yours,

Nita Evlina
43.   A. at                  
  B. on     
  C. for     
  D. in
44.   A. graduated
  B. graduate
  C. graduation
  D. graduating
45.   A. availability
  B. able   
  C. available
  D. ability

Questions 46 - 47 refer to the following announcement.
Due to snowy conditions, some schools in the Multnomah County School District will be (46)…today. Please listen carefully to the following message as some schools will remain open and some will open late. All schools downtown, in northeast, and north Portland are closed for the day. Schools in southwest Portland with the exception of those schools downtown will open three hours late. All schools in southeast Portland will open at their regular time. Snow routes will be used for all buses. Check the district webpage for details if you are not familiar with our alternative snow route stops. Please check back (47) … this number throughout the day for updates.
46.   A. terminated
  B. completed
  C. finished        
  D. closed
47.   A. at      
  B. in      
  C. on     
  D. by

Questions 48 – 50 refer to the following brochure.
Lombok is a holiday center with something for  everyone. This tropical island (48) … everything. Miles and miles of magnificent beaches, a wonderful and marvelous handicraft center. Introducing the Senggigi beach hotel. The newest hotel in the neighborhood. Stay in the luxurious room,  eat in the terrace restaurant, and enjoy the traditional dances (49) … an open air stage. Lay on the private beach all day, swim in the warm sea water or see the traditional fishing boat passing by pleasantly The swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, a spa and (50) … children playground make  the perfect place for family holiday .    

48. A. adds
 B. serves
 C. supplies
 D. provides

49. A. in
 B. on
 C. at
 D. by

50. A. specific
 B. special
 C. individual        

 D. personality

Kunci Jawaban UC2 Paket  19
16. A                      26. A                      36. B                      46. A
17. C                      27. B                      37. C                      47. A
18. B                      28. C                      38. C                      48. A
19. D                      29. B                      39. B                      49. D
20. D                      30. C                      40. D                      50. D
21. A                      31. D                      41. C
22. A                      32. D                      42. B
23. B                      33. A                      43. C
24. A                      34. C                      44. B
25. B                      35. A                      45. C

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